8 minute read

Omega-3 supplements, especially fish oil, are among today's most popular and widely taken supplements. They are known for supporting heart health, building the central nervous system, and playing various important roles throughout your body.*

Given its plethora of benefits, you're likely familiar with the importance of including this healthy fat in your diet. You might also have heard about the specific types of omega-3s known as Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), which are the true powerhouses in this category of nutrients. But have you ever wondered if all omega-3 supplements are created equal? The ratio of DHA to EPA in your food and supplements significantly matters.

The ratio of DHA to EPA

In this article, we’ll delve into the significance of the DHA/EPA ratio in omega-3 supplements and how it can influence overall wellness.

Understanding DHA and EPA 

Omega-3s are a family of healthy fatty acids that play vital roles in your body's cells. They're considered "essential" nutrients, often termed “essential fatty acids,” which means your body can't produce them independently. Instead, you need to acquire them from your diet.

Understanding DHA and EPA

Omega-3s can be further categorized into different types. While several kinds of omega-3s exist, two of the most crucial are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid, is a critical omega-3 fatty acid as it's required for building cell membranes. This is especially vital for the cells in your nervous system — the cells comprising your brain and eyes!

Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

As a result, DHA is frequently recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to help provide their growing babies with the nutrients necessary for proper brain and eye development. It’s also important to ensure adequate DHA intake as an adult, so that your brain has the tools it needs to function optimally through every life stage.*

Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)

EPA, short for eicosapentaenoic acid, is another significant omega-3 that plays crucial supportive roles throughout your body. Most notably, EPA is used to produce eicosanoids, a type of molecule known for its anti-inflammatory effects.

Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)

Inflammation is your immune system’s way of responding to potential threats. When it detects something potentially harmful, like bacteria, it triggers an inflammatory response to combat the danger and maintain your health. However, inflammation can also become chronic or long-term under certain circumstances, leading your immune system to attack its own cells. Chronic inflammation is associated with several serious and prevalent health issues today, like cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative conditions.

Due to research indicating EPA's anti-inflammatory effects on the body, EPA is often utilized to support the body against some of these severe conditions*.

The Significance of the DHA EPA Ratio 

EPA and DHA, both crucial omega-3 fatty acids, exhibit their prowess individually and when teamed up. Their combination is associated with numerous potential health benefits, from amplifying heart health to shielding your brain against degenerative ailments like Alzheimer’s disease*.

Fortunately, DHA and EPA are commonly found together in foods and dietary supplements, albeit in varying ratios. Given their distinct yet complementary roles, the ratio of each in your omega-3 source can influence its beneficial impact on your body.

Inflammation and cardiovascular health 

If your goal is to bolster your heart health or explore the anti-inflammatory attributes of omega-3s, you might find value in consuming omega-3 sources richer in EPA than DHA*.

In one study, scientists administered omega-3 supplements with different DHA/EPA ratios after inducing liver damage in mice. They observed that mice receiving a 1:2 DHA to EPA ratio exhibited more improvement in inflammatory risk factors than those on a 1:1 ratio. Interestingly, a 2:1 DHA to EPA ratio led to better improvements in liver cholesterol levels.

Similar outcomes were noted in human studies. A meta-analysis suggested that a higher EPA to DHA ratio correlated with a greater reduction in inflammatory markers, although it sometimes elevated systolic blood pressure. This is a vital consideration for individuals with blood pressure concerns.

Current research inclines towards higher EPA levels for cardiovascular health. A recent study in the Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine journal (August 2023) posited that higher DHA levels could actually diminish the protective cardiovascular effects of EPA.

Brain Health 

While a higher EPA ratio seems favorable for inflammation and cardiovascular wellness, a higher DHA ratio might be your ally for brain health*.

DHA is instrumental in constructing brain cells. A 2017 study investigated various DHA-to-EPA ratios on brain cells to decipher their protective roles. The study found a 1:1 and 1:2 DHA to EPA ratio to be optimal for reducing inflammation. In contrast, a 1:1 and 2:1 DHA to EPA ratio enhanced the expression of nerve growth factor, thereby indicating better brain activity with higher DHA to EPA ratios.

Factors Influencing DHA EPA Ratio 

DHA and EPA are usually found in the same food sources and supplements. However, various factors can alter the amount of DHA and EPA one needs for optimum health.

Factors Influencing DHA EPA Ratio

Food sources

Even though many seafood types contain both EPA and DHA, the specific seafood you choose can offer different ratios. For example, tuna usually has a higher ratio of DHA to EPA, while anchovies and sardines tend to have more EPA. Knowing this can help you make informed dietary choices based on your health goals.


By taking omega-3 supplements like fish oil pills, you can directly adjust the amount of EPA and DHA in your body. Additionally, the DHA to EPA ratio can vary among supplements due to the source of omega-3s and manufacturing processes, which may alter the amounts of each omega-3 type delivered per serving.

Current health status

Your omega-3 needs may shift based on your health status and life stage. For instance, higher DHA levels might be beneficial if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as your growing baby requires it for healthy brain development. Conversely, you might need to increase your overall omega-3 intake as you age, given that your body's ability to digest and metabolize this essential nutrient may diminish over time.

Optimal DHA EPA Ratio

There is no official recommendation for total omega-3 dosage nor a single recommended optimal DHA EPA ratio. As a result, it’s best to talk to your doctor to determine the best omega-3 sources to include in your diet for your health needs. However, we do have some general guidelines to go off of based on current research. 

Overall, the National Academy of Medicine suggests that the Adequate Intake of total omega-3s is: 

  • 1.6 grams for adult men 
  • 1.1 grams for adult women (higher for pregnant or breastfeeding women) 

Optimal DHA EPA Ratio

And how much of this total intake should be made of DHA versus EPA? Again, this also depends on your current health goals. However, research does seem to indicate that you may benefit from a:

  • Higher ratio of DHA to EPA (2:1 or more) if you are interested in supporting your brain health and function* 
  • Lower ratio of DHA to EPA (2:1 or more) if you are more interested in anti-inflammatory properties and cardiovascular health support* 

Optimal DHA EPA Ratio

In addition, some health authorities have general recommendations for omega-3 intake, but they’re based on total intake rather than ratios. Again, it also depends on the reason that you’re taking omega-3s to begin with. 

For example, recent studies published in the American Heart Association suggest that a combined EPA/DHA dose of 3 grams may be ideal for improving blood pressure. In contrast, another study published in June 2023 found that 2 grams or more per day may support your body in improving triglycerides and certain kinds of cholesterol.*

Meanwhile, some brain-specific institutes recommend taking omega-3 supplements with high ratios of DHA to EPA (within the 4:1 DHA to EPA) to support brain health.*

It’s also important to note that neither EPA nor DHA is “more important” than the other. In the end, you should ensure that your supplement has some of both to reap all of the rewards that omega-3s can have on your body. 

Again, there is no one correct answer here, and it can vary widely based on your health needs and current nutrition status. It’s even possible to overdose on EPA, DHA, or both if you aren’t careful.

Supplements and DHA EPA Ratio 

Unfortunately, many people do not eat enough seafood to meet their omega-3 goals. As a result, omega-3 supplements are a popular way to increase your intake of both EPA and DHA. 

Fish oil supplements are a popular dietary supplement among people looking to increase their omega-3 intake. These supplements are made from the oils of various cold-water fish like cod, mackerel, herring, or tuna, all of which are great sources of both EPA and DHA. However, fish oil supplements are not always suitable for everyone, including people who eat plant-based diets or are concerned about the environmental impacts of overfishing

 Algae oil supplements are another excellent choice. Unlike other plant-based omega-3 supplements that do not provide EPA or DHA, these supplements are created from the oils of algae, a type of marine plant that produces EPA and DHA from photosynthesis. These plant-based fish oil alternatives deliver all those essential nutrients without using animal products or damaging production methods. 

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